

A short description of this page.

To complete this showcase:

  1. Write the story about your site in this file.
  2. Add a summary to the file in this folder.
  3. Replace the featured-template.png with a screenshot of your site. You can rename it, but it must contain the word featured.
  4. Create a new pull request in

The content of this bundle explained:
The main content file. Fill in required front matter metadata and write your story. I does not have to be a novel. It can even be self-promotional, but it should include Hugo in some form.
A short summary of the website. Site credits (who built it) fits nicely here.
A reasonably sized screenshot of your website. It can be named anything, but the name must start with “featured”. The sample image is 1500x750 (2:1 aspect ratio).

Last updated: January 14, 2021