
Fingerprinting and SRI

Hugo Pipes allows Fingerprinting and Subresource Integrity.

Fingerprinting and SRI can be applied to any asset file using resources.Fingerprint which takes two arguments, the resource object and a hash function .

The default hash function is sha256. Other available functions are sha384 (from Hugo 0.55), sha512 and md5.

Any so processed asset will bear a .Data.Integrity property containing an integrity string, which is made up of the name of the hash function, one hyphen and the base64-encoded hash sum.

{{ $js := resources.Get "js/global.js" }}
{{ $secureJS := $js | resources.Fingerprint "sha512" }}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ $secureJS.Permalink }}" integrity="{{ $secureJS.Data.Integrity }}"></script>

Last updated: July 14, 2018