
Hugo Deploy

You can upload your site to GCS, S3, or Azure using the Hugo CLI.

You can use the “hugo deploy” command to upload your site directly to a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket, an AWS S3 bucket, and/or an Azure Storage container.


Create a bucket to deploy to  

Create a storage bucket to deploy your site to. If you want your site to be public, be sure to configure the bucket to be publicly readable.

Google Cloud Storage (GCS)  

Follow the GCS instructions for how to create a bucket .

AWS S3  

Follow the AWS instructions for how to create a bucket .

Azure Storage  

Follow the Azure instructions for how to create a storage container .

Configure the deployment  

In the configuration file for your site, add a [deployment] section with one or more [[deployment.targets]] section, one for each deployment target. Here’s a detailed example:

# By default, files are uploaded in an arbitrary order.
# Files that match the regular expressions in the "Order" list
# will be uploaded first, in the listed order.
order = [".jpg$", ".gif$"]

# An arbitrary name for this target.
name = "mydeployment"
# The Go Cloud Development Kit URL to deploy to. Examples:
# GCS; see
# URL = "gs://<Bucket Name>"

# S3; see
# For S3-compatible endpoints, see
# URL = "s3://<Bucket Name>?region=<AWS region>"

# Azure Blob Storage; see
# URL = "azblob://$web"

# You can use a "prefix=" query parameter to target a subfolder of the bucket:
# URL = "gs://<Bucket Name>?prefix=a/subfolder/"

# If you are using a CloudFront CDN, deploy will invalidate the cache as needed.
cloudFrontDistributionID = <ID>

# Optionally, you can include or exclude specific files.
# See for the glob pattern syntax.
# If non-empty, the pattern is matched against the local path.
# All paths are matched against in their filepath.ToSlash form.
# If exclude is non-empty, and a local or remote file's path matches it, that file is not synced.
# If include is non-empty, and a local or remote file's path does not match it, that file is not synced.
# As a result, local files that don't pass the include/exclude filters are not uploaded to remote,
# and remote files that don't pass the include/exclude filters are not deleted.
# include = "**.html" # would only include files with ".html" suffix
# exclude = "**.{jpg, png}" # would exclude files with ".jpg" or ".png" suffix

# [[deployment.matchers]] configure behavior for files that match the Pattern.
# Samples:

#  Cache static assets for 1 year.
pattern = "^.+\\.(js|css|svg|ttf)$"
cacheControl = "max-age=31536000, no-transform, public"
gzip = true

pattern = "^.+\\.(png|jpg)$"
cacheControl = "max-age=31536000, no-transform, public"
gzip = false

pattern = "^.+\\.(html|xml|json)$"
gzip = true


To deploy to a target:

hugo deploy [--target=<target name>, defaults to first target]

Hugo will identify and apply any local changes that need to be reflected to the remote target. You can use --dryRun to see the changes without applying them, or --confirm to be prompted before making changes.

See hugo help deploy for more command-line options.

Last updated: May 30, 2019