
Host on Firebase

You can use Firebase’s free tier to host your static website; this also gives you access to Firebase’s NOSQL API.


  1. You have an account with Firebase . (If you don’t, you can sign up for free using your Google account.)
  2. You have completed the Quick Start or have a completed Hugo website ready for deployment.

Initial setup  

Go to the Firebase console and create a new project (unless you already have a project). You will need to globally install firebase-tools (node.js):

npm install -g firebase-tools

Log in to Firebase (setup on your local machine) using firebase login, which opens a browser where you can select your account. Use firebase logout in case you are already logged in but to the wrong account.

firebase login

In the root of your Hugo project, initialize the Firebase project with the firebase init command:

firebase init

From here:

  1. Choose Hosting in the feature question
  2. Choose the project you just set up
  3. Accept the default for your database rules file
  4. Accept the default for the publish directory, which is public
  5. Choose “No” in the question if you are deploying a single-page app


To deploy your Hugo site, execute the firebase deploy command, and your site will be up in no time:

hugo && firebase deploy

CI Setup  

You can generate a deploy token using

firebase login:ci

You can also set up your CI (e.g., with Wercker ) and add the token to a private variable like $FIREBASE_DEPLOY_TOKEN.

You can then add a step in your build to do the deployment using the token:

firebase deploy --token $FIREBASE_DEPLOY_TOKEN

Reference links  

Last updated: March 15, 2017