

Converts a timestamp string into a time.Time structure.



time converts a timestamp string with an optional default location into a time.Time structure so you can access its fields:

{{ time "2016-05-28" }} → "2016-05-28T00:00:00Z"
{{ (time "2016-05-28").YearDay }} → 149
{{ mul 1000 (time "2016-05-28T10:30:00.00+10:00").Unix }} → 1464395400000, or Unix time in milliseconds

Using Locations  

The optional LOCATION parameter is a string that sets a default location that is associated with the specified time value. If the time value has an explicit timezone or offset specified, it will take precedence over the LOCATION parameter.

The list of valid locations may be system dependent, but should include UTC, Local, or any location in the IANA Time Zone database .

{{ time "2020-10-20" }} → 2020-10-20 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
{{ time "2020-10-20" "America/Los_Angeles" }} → 2020-10-20 00:00:00 -0700 PDT
{{ time "2020-01-20" "America/Los_Angeles" }} → 2020-01-20 00:00:00 -0800 PST

Example: Using time to get Month Index  

The following example takes a UNIX timestamp—set as utimestamp: "1489276800" in a content’s front matter—converts the timestamp (string) to an integer using the int function , and then uses printf to convert the Month property of time into an index.

The following example may be useful when setting up multilingual sites :

{{$time := time (int .Params.addDate)}}
=> $time = 1489276800
=> "March"
{{$monthindex := printf "%d" $time.Month }}
=> $monthindex = 3

Last updated: February 1, 2017