

Allows for caching of partials that do not need to be re-rendered on every invocation.


partialCached LAYOUT INPUT [VARIANT...]

The partialCached template function can offer significant performance gains for complex templates that don’t need to be re-rendered on every invocation.

Note: Each Site (or language) has its own partialCached cache, so each site will execute a partial once.

Here is the simplest usage:

{{ partialCached "footer.html" . }}

You can also pass additional parameters to partialCached to create variants of the cached partial. For example, if you have a complex partial that should be identical when rendered for pages within the same section, you could use a variant based upon section so that the partial is only rendered once per section:

{{ partialCached "footer.html" . .Section }}

If you need to pass additional parameters to create unique variants, you can pass as many variant parameters as you need:

{{ partialCached "footer.html" . .Params.province }}

Note that the variant parameters are not made available to the underlying partial template. They are only use to create a unique cache key. Since Hugo 0.61.0 you can use any object as cache key(s), not just strings.

See also the The Full Partial Series Part 1: Caching!

Last updated: February 1, 2017