

Returns the time corresponding to adding the given number of years, months, and days passed to the function.



The AddDate function takes three arguments in logical order of years, months, and days.

Example: Randomized Tweets from the Last 2 Years  

Let’s assume you have a file at data/tweets.toml that contains a list of Tweets to display on your site’s homepage. The file is filled with [[tweet]] blocks; e.g.—

name = "Steve Francia"
twitter_handle = "@spf13"
quote = "I'm creator of Hugo. #metadocreference"
link = ""
date = "2017-01-07T00:00:00Z"

Let’s assume you want to grab Tweets from the last two years and present them in a random order. In conjunction with the where and now functions, you can limit our range to the last two years via now.AddDate -2 0 0, which represents a point in time 2 years, 0 days, and 0 hours before the time of your last site build.

{{ range where $.Site.Data.tweets.tweet "date" "ge" (now.AddDate -2 0 0) | shuffle }}
    <div class="item">
            {{ .quote | safeHTML }}
            &mdash; {{ .name }} ({{ .twitter_handle }}) <a href="{{ .link }}">
                {{ dateFormat "January 2, 2006" .date }}
{{ end }}

Last updated: February 1, 2017