
Page Resources

Page Resources – images, other pages, documents etc. – have page-relative URLs and their own metadata.

Page resources are available for page bundles only, i.e. a directory with either a, or file at its root. Resources are only attached to the lowest page they are bundled with, and simple which names does not contain are not attached any resource.


The main type of the resource’s Media Type . For example, a file of MIME type image/jpeg has the ResourceType image. A Page will have ResourceType with value page.

New in v0.80.0 Note that we in Hugo v0.80.0 fixed a bug where non-image resources (e.g. video) would return the MIME sub type, e.g. json.

Default value is the filename (relative to the owning page). Can be set in front matter.
Default value is the same as .Name. Can be set in front matter.
The absolute URL to the resource. Resources of type page will have no value.
The relative URL to the resource. Resources of type page will have no value.
The content of the resource itself. For most resources, this returns a string with the contents of the file. This can be used to inline some resources, such as <script>{{ (.Resources.GetMatch "myscript.js").Content | safeJS }}</script> or <img src="{{ (.Resources.GetMatch "mylogo.png").Content | base64Encode }}">.
The MIME type of the resource, such as image/jpeg.
The main type of the resource’s MIME type. For example, a file of MIME type application/pdf has for MainType application.
The subtype of the resource’s MIME type. For example, a file of MIME type application/pdf has for SubType pdf. Note that this is not the same as the file extension - PowerPoint files have a subtype of vnd.mspowerpoint.
A slice of possible suffixes for the resource’s MIME type.


Returns the page resources of the given type.
{{ .Resources.ByType "image" }}
Returns all the page resources (as a slice) whose Name matches the given Glob pattern ( examples ). The matching is case-insensitive.
{{ .Resources.Match "images/*" }}
Same as Match but will return the first match.

Pattern Matching  

// Using Match/GetMatch to find this images/sunset.jpg ?
.Resources.Match "images/sun*" βœ…
.Resources.Match "**/sunset.jpg" βœ…
.Resources.Match "images/*.jpg" βœ…
.Resources.Match "**.jpg" βœ…
.Resources.Match "*" 🚫
.Resources.Match "sunset.jpg" 🚫
.Resources.Match "*sunset.jpg" 🚫

Page Resources Metadata  

The page resources’ metadata is managed from the corresponding page’s front matter with an array/table parameter named resources. You can batch assign values using wildcards .

Sets the value returned in Name.
Sets the value returned in Title
A map of custom key/values.

Resources metadata example  

date: "2018-01-25"
- name: header
  src: images/sunset.jpg
- params:
    icon: photo
  src: documents/photo_specs.pdf
  title: Photo Specifications
- src: documents/guide.pdf
  title: Instruction Guide
- src: documents/checklist.pdf
  title: Document Checklist
- src: documents/payment.docx
  title: Proof of Payment
- name: pdf-file-:counter
    icon: pdf
  src: '**.pdf'
- params:
    icon: word
  src: '**.docx'
title: Application
date = '2018-01-25'
title = 'Application'
name = 'header'
src = 'images/sunset.jpg'
src = 'documents/photo_specs.pdf'
title = 'Photo Specifications'
  icon = 'photo'

src = 'documents/guide.pdf'
title = 'Instruction Guide'
src = 'documents/checklist.pdf'
title = 'Document Checklist'
src = 'documents/payment.docx'
title = 'Proof of Payment'
name = 'pdf-file-:counter'
src = '**.pdf'
  icon = 'pdf'

src = '**.docx'
  icon = 'word'

   "date": "2018-01-25",
   "resources": [
         "name": "header",
         "src": "images/sunset.jpg"
         "params": {
            "icon": "photo"
         "src": "documents/photo_specs.pdf",
         "title": "Photo Specifications"
         "src": "documents/guide.pdf",
         "title": "Instruction Guide"
         "src": "documents/checklist.pdf",
         "title": "Document Checklist"
         "src": "documents/payment.docx",
         "title": "Proof of Payment"
         "name": "pdf-file-:counter",
         "params": {
            "icon": "pdf"
         "src": "**.pdf"
         "params": {
            "icon": "word"
         "src": "**.docx"
   "title": "Application"

From the example above:

  • sunset.jpg will receive a new Name and can now be found with .GetMatch "header".
  • documents/photo_specs.pdf will get the photo icon.
  • documents/checklist.pdf, documents/guide.pdf and documents/payment.docx will get Title as set by title.
  • Every PDF in the bundle except documents/photo_specs.pdf will get the pdf icon.
  • All PDF files will get a new Name. The name parameter contains a special placeholder :counter , so the Name will be pdf-file-1, pdf-file-2, pdf-file-3.
  • Every docx in the bundle will receive the word icon.

The :counter placeholder in name and title  

The :counter is a special placeholder recognized in name and title parameters resources.

The counter starts at 1 the first time they are used in either name or title.

For example, if a bundle has the resources photo_specs.pdf, other_specs.pdf, guide.pdf and checklist.pdf, and the front matter has specified the resources as:

- src: '*specs.pdf'
  title: 'Specification #:counter'
- name: pdf-file-:counter
  src: '**.pdf'
src = '*specs.pdf'
title = 'Specification #:counter'
name = 'pdf-file-:counter'
src = '**.pdf'

   "resources": [
         "src": "*specs.pdf",
         "title": "Specification #:counter"
         "name": "pdf-file-:counter",
         "src": "**.pdf"

the Name and Title will be assigned to the resource files as follows:

Resource fileNameTitle
other_specs.pdf"pdf-file-3.pdf"Specification #1"
photo_specs.pdf"pdf-file-4.pdf"Specification #2"

Last updated: January 24, 2018